In Classroom Programs

Traveling programs have been developed for school or youth groups and comply with state school curriculum guidelines and Boy Scout badge requirements. We can also host your group here in the museum for any of these programs.

  • Using the children’s book The Josefina Story Quilt by Eleanor Coerr, a member of the Museum staff will introduce children to pioneer life and the importance of quilts as seen through the travels of a young girl. (For grades K-2, 45 minutes)

  • A member of the Museum staff will bring the toys of yesteryear alive to your students. While children enjoy playing with a variety of wooden and metal toys, they are learning about our changing technology and the impact of this change on our life.

  • Oh the times, they are changing. This program offers a look at the differences and similarities between the modern era and life around the turn of the 20th century. Numerous hands-on experiences are included in this fun-filled program.

  • Equipped with artifacts, role-playing activities and more, a member of the Museum staff will present a program in the classroom on the jobs, signals, and work of the early railroads.

  • Designed at teacher request, this program gives students hands-on experience applying economics concepts to the history of West Chicago. They identify ways in which being a railroad town shaped the goods and services available in Turner; compare and contrast goods and services available in West Chicago today with those available a century ago; compare prices of groceries historically to today; are introduced to the concept of inflation; and learn why certain goods or services have become obsolete. (Grade 3, 1 hour)